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Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Black Version Template Details - Free Blogger Templates

Black Version Template Details - Free Blogger Templates
Click for zoom out


This is My first template design. Are you like? If you like this template, please download this template and use on your website. I design this template for you, please re-design again your own.

Note for you
May I remove the credits link of the template?
No, you may not. Most of the templates available in DAW-XP are licensed whether it is creative common GPL or the like. If you feel uncomfortable with the position of the credit link, you can move the position to another place, but not to remove it. It is also as the appreciation to the template designers or owners so that they can still have the high spirit to create and create more templates and give them to you.

Featured :
* Fast Loading page : Design with full CSS. So, the speed of loading page is very fast.
* Transforming Column : On the home page, the template is structured 3 columns. While on post pages, the structure will be changed to 2 columns. Thus, visitors would not be bothered anymore with post column width problems that are usually too small, while reading the article.
* Color Exchange : Use different colors on the home page and post.
* Auto Read More : With this feature, the front page of the blog will look more minimalist and stylish magazine.
* Related Post : The articles relating to the post being read by visitors, will be displayed automatically. Easy navigation between links to the article in search visitors.
* Navigation Menu CSS3
* Navigation Page
* Menu Breadcrumb

* Social Bookmark Button
* SEO Include : Addition of SEO Friendly Meta Tag, and transfer of title of the indexed content into keyword search engines.
* Personal Theme For Admin : Different themes for comment from the admin.
* Comments Avatar : Comments from fellow bloggers, anonymous, OpenID or regular visitors, have a different avatar photo setting.

How to ..

- Install blogger template?
1.  Please download your favorite template (xml).
2.  Login to blogger with your ID
3.  On the dashboard, click LayoutEdit HTML
edit HTML FAQs
4.  Do the Backup by clicking Download Full template
backup FAQs
5.  Click Browse… button and then choose the file of your favorite template that you have just downloaded and extracted ( xml ), and then click Upload button
upload FAQs
6.  When there is a notice, click KEEP WIDGETS button
keep widget FAQs
7.  Done. Enjoy the new appearance of your template.

- Edit Menu on my new template?
In general, to edit the Menu, you have to do that through Edit HTML, as follow:
Login → Layout → Edit HTML
Then find the code similar to:
To add your own links to the Menu, simply change the code with your own links.

- Link Follow Us

Search code: <div id='header2-wrapper'>, and note the following code elements:
<h2>Follow Us</h2>
<ul id='soc'>
    <li><a class='facebook' href='' title='Be my facebook fan'>Facebook</a></li>
    <li><a class='twitter' href='' title='Folow me on Twitter'>Twitter</a></li>
--> Change the colour text RED with the widget title of your own.
--> Change the colour text BLUE with your own links.

If you are having difficulty in using these templates, please do not hesitate to ask questions, comment or berate.

Minggu, 22 Mei 2011

7 Great Offline Ways to Promote Your Website

The net has an incredible number of visitors and represents a huge opportunity for new business but don’t get so wrapped up that you forget to include your offline marketing as part of your total digital marketing effort.

The Real World Audience

When you first get involved as a website builder it’s easy to get immersed in the digital world and forget about what has brought you as far as it has. You’ve got this awesome Flash website and you want to get as many people as possible to come pay a visit (and hopefully buy something) and you’re anxious to see your digital campaigns start to kick in. But looking around at your offline marketing efforts, how can they help you get visits to your site?

Here are a couple of ideas to consider:

1. Everyday Business Forms. Look at the pieces of paper that you share everyday with customers, prospects and vendors like fax cover sheets, invoices, credit memos, bid sheets and purchase orders. The sooner you can get your web address on these forms the better. Understanding that you don’t want to chuck your current stock of forms, think about having “sticky notices” printed and attaching them to these forms announcing the launch of your website. The more eyes that see that URL the better the branding.

2. Stationary. Many times a small business will enter the digital arena and forget to add the web address and email on their stationary missing out on another excellent opportunity to build their brand. Ask a printer if they can “crash print” the website and email address on your stationary and business cards. This basically prints the information on existing inventory and instantly makes the piece a more viable marketing piece. Of course on future orders you want the info as part of the permanent design.

3. Existing Brochures and Leave Behinds. There is no good way to crash print tri-folds or 8 color marketing pieces. Think about using the “sticky notice” idea for these marketing materials. In fact you may want to set up a special page that offers some kind of discount for a first time online purchase and use that URL on the notice. After all, your marketing material is being distributed to prospects; why not grab them by running an online special. Just make sure that this page is blocked from search engine spiders so the rest of the world doesn’t have access to your special.

4. Existing Advertising. If you are buying ads, print or broadcast, make sure all future placements include your new website address. This is another great opportunity to offer a special or to give something away for free in exchange for a visit (and capturing an e-mail address) to your new site.

5. Your Office or Shop. Make sure you invite people to visit your site when they visit your place of business. Having the URL on a display window, or an invitation (complete with business card size pass out with address) on your countertop will reinforce your credibility and drive traffic at the same time.

6. Chotskies. You know what we’re talking about. All those key chains, calendars, mouse pads, pens, T-shirts and luggage tags that you give away need to have that URL on them as well. If you’re going to spend money on this stuff you might as well get the biggest bang that you can.

7. Signage. If your business has a sign, add the URL to it. It will make you look more modern and will help brand the site. If you have vehicles with signage, add the website to those as well. Don’t miss a legitimate opportunity to get your address in front of the public.

Your offline efforts are going to be pricier than your online campaigns but they can’t be ignored. In most instances you aren’t going to be adding any additional expense to your offline marketing budget just additional content.

Despite what some gurus may tell you, most people still live in the real world not cyber space. They still interact face to face with other humans, they still listen to the radio and watch cable and they still read their snail mail. You need to get your digital marketing tool in front of these real world people and using real world media can help you do just that.

Sabtu, 21 Mei 2011

Mengendalikan Amarah Dalam Jiwa

Mengendalikan AmarahDulu, aku orang yang bersifat pemarah. Aku tidak bisa meredam amarahku setiap hari. Ayahku menyadari hal ini.

Untuk mengurangi rasa amarahku, Ayahku memberikan sekantong paku dan mengatakan kepadaku agar aku memakukan paku itu ke pagar di belakang rumah tiap kali aku marah.

Hari pertama aku bisa memakukan 48 paku ke pagar belakang rumah. Namun secara bertahap jumlah itu berkurang. Aku menyadari bahwa lebih mudah menahan amarah ketimbang memaku paku ke pagar. Akhirnya aku bisa menahan dan mengendalikan amarah ku yang selama ini telah memburuku. Aku memberitakukan hal ini kepada Ayahku.

Ayahku mengatakan agar aku mencabut satu paku di pagar setiap hari dimana aku tidak marah. Hari-hari berlalu dan tidak terasa paku-paku yang tertancap tadi telah aku cabut dan lepaskan semua. Aku memberitahukan hal ini kepada Ayahku bahwa semua paku telah aku cabut.

Ayah tersenyum memandangku, dan ia menuntunku ke pagar. Dan berkata “Hmm, kamu telah berhasil dengan baik anakku, tapi, lihatlah lubang-lubang di pagar ini. Pagar ini tidak akan pernah bisa sama seperti sebelumnya. “Ketika kamu mengatakan sesuatu dalam kemarahan. Kata-katamu meninggalkan bekas."

Aku menyadari hal ini bahwa aku setiap kali marah aku teringat pada orang yang aku dendam tersebut. Ayah tambah berkata "Seperti lubang ini … di hati orang lain. Kamu dapat menusukkan pisau pada seseorang, lalu mencabut pisau itu … Tetapi tidak peduli beberapa kali kamu minta maaf, luka itu akan tetap ada …dan luka karena kata-kata adalah sama buruknya dengan luka fisik …”

Terima Kasih Ayah, kini aku dapat meredam dan mengendalikan amarahku setiap saat dan setiap waktu.

Kisah Bayi Mencari Malaikat

Orang Tua
Saya dan sobat blogger pasti pernah kecil dan menjadi bayi. Bagaimana perasaan sobat blogger sewaktu bayi? Dan bagaimana pula perasaan sobat ketika belum dilahirkan ke dunia dan masih ada di surga? Kisah ini akan membuat kita kembali pada masa dulu dan diasuh oleh seorang malaikat yang bernama IBU! Silahkan simak kisahnya berikut ini.

Suatu hari seorang bayi siap untuk dilahirkan ke dunia. Dia bertanya kepada Tuhan: "Para malaikat disini mengatakan bahwa besok Engkau akan mengirimku ke dunia, tetapi bagaimana cara saya hidup di sana, saya begitu kecil dan lemah?"

Tuhan menjawab: "Aku telah memilih satu malaikat untukmu. Ia akan menjaga dan mengasihimu."Tapi di sini, di dalam surga, apa yang pernah saya lakukan hanyalah bernyanyi dan tertawa. Ini sudah cukup bagi saya untuk bahagia."

"Malaikatmu akan bernyanyi dan tersenyum untukmu setiap hari. Dan kamu akan merasakan kehangatan cintanya dan menjadi lebih bahagia."

"Dan bagaimana saya bisa mengerti saat orang-orang berbicara kepadaku jika saya tidak mengerti bahasa mereka?"

"Malaikatmu akan berbicara kepadamu dengan bahasa yang paling indah yang pernah kamu dengar, dan dengan penuh kesabaran dan perhatian, dia akan mengajarkan bagaimana cara berbicara.

"Apa yang akan saya lakukan saat saya ingin berbicara kepadaMu?"

"Malaikatmu akan mengajarkan bagaimana cara berdoa."

"Saya mendengar di bumi banyak orang jahat. Siapa yang akan melindungi saya?"

"Malaikatmu akan melindungimu, walaupun hal itu mungkin akan mengancam jiwanya."

"Tapi, saya pasti akan merasa sedih karena tidak melihatMu lagi."
"Malaikat akan menceritakan kepadamu tentang-Ku dan akan mengajarkan bagaimana agar kamu bisa kembali kepada-Ku, walaupun sesungguhnya Aku akan selalu berada di sisimu."

Saat itu surga begitu tenangnya sehingga suara dari bumi dapat terdengar, dan sang bayi bertanya perlahan, "Tuhan, jika saya harus pergi sekarang, bisakah Engkau memberitahuku nama malaikat tersebut?"

"Kamu akan memanggil malaikatmu, "IBU"

See u..

Mari Berkomunitas Di Faceblog yang masih berlangsung


Senin, 16 Mei 2011

Kontes SEO Mari Berkomunitas Di Faceblog Yang Saya Ikuti


Minggu, 15 Mei 2011

Kontes SEO Meriahkan pesta ulang tahun bersama GarudaFood yang lagi berlangsung


Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Kontes SEO Meriahkan pesta ulang tahun bersama GarudaFood yang saya ikuti


Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

Cara Membuat Widget Top Komentator


5 Widget Pilihan Untuk Blog




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